Invest Your Ad Dollars in Broadcast Radio for 2023!
Perhaps you’ve heard us speak on our YouTube channel or read in one of our blog articles about how radio is reaching 1/3 of all Americans 18 years old and up, and has been steadily on the rise over the last five years.
Per Nielsen reporting, over 83 million Americans, male and female, ages 18 and above are listening to broadcast radio each month. Different markets and different programs have different numbers higher and lower but it’s still roughly one third of all adults in America. And that number is growing, not declining.
But when you look at what’s happening with the changing face of social media and its advertising opportunities, it makes for shaky ground as an advertising platform!
In a recent article, analyst Jasmine Enberg stated that, “Social media isn’t dying, it’s simply evolving and GenZ is driving that change.”
Let me ask you a question. Do you want to be paying for the experimental changes of social media? If we keep hearing that the platforms are changing how they work and how they appeal to users then is that a safe bet for your advertising dollar?
I have a safer idea for you. Use broadcast radio. You have plenty of access for local stations and nationwide access as well! When you don’t include the digital side of radio broadcasting, you still reach 83 million people who are listening to a radio in America each month. That’s a pretty sizable market!
When you place a radio advertisement, your biggest challenge is to make sure that your actual advertising spot is compelling and touches people emotionally. People make decisions based on emotions and emotions trigger actions. You need to have the same approach in your advertising. And radio is a very simple way to pursue that.
With us you can get help on how to make your own ad that will sizzle or if you’re busy and just don’t have time, you can get in touch with us and we will help make a commercial spot for you! Call us at 800-208-7154 or fill out the contact form.
by Sean Pearce and Pete Miller